One was an older man of Singaporean appearance, working at this little desk with micro chips, a soldering iron and various other mobile phone parts cluttering his workspace.
The second was of Malaysian appearance also doing the same thing.
The third was of Indian Malay appearance, working at a computer.
So the third man, being the least busy, approached me and asked what he could do for me. I showed him my phone and explained what was wrong with it, demonstrating very well all that i knew about the problem.
He took the phone and showed it to the second man, after several seconds of conversation he came back to me and said it will cost "78 dollars to fix this phone."
I went home and told my mum about the experience; then she suggested that I give her the phone and she'll tell them the same thing, and see if they offer a cheaper price. I thought brilliant, what a great idea. My mother being of more asian appearance than me surely will get a cheaper price!
So later on that week my mother went to the store, and sure enough they asked for 55 dollars.
A whole 23 dollars less. I was pleased. Whether consciously or sub-consciously an asian is more likely to give a cheaper price to a fellow asian than a caucasian any day.
Anyways, i hope i have not offended anyone in anyway. Because when I told this story to some people, they got angry and said it was blatant racism, I replied with, "of course it is." haha
Thank you for listening... I mean reading ;)
*^ this picture has no connection to the story above
I went home and told my mum about the experience; then she suggested that I give her the phone and she'll tell them the same thing, and see if they offer a cheaper price. I thought brilliant, what a great idea. My mother being of more asian appearance than me surely will get a cheaper price!
So later on that week my mother went to the store, and sure enough they asked for 55 dollars.
A whole 23 dollars less. I was pleased. Whether consciously or sub-consciously an asian is more likely to give a cheaper price to a fellow asian than a caucasian any day.
Anyways, i hope i have not offended anyone in anyway. Because when I told this story to some people, they got angry and said it was blatant racism, I replied with, "of course it is." haha
Thank you for listening... I mean reading ;)
i know the store you're talking about. and i have dealt with the singaporean.
as i look asian, but talk like an australian, do you think that has an impact on how much they would charge?
I don't think your accent will make too much of a difference. But if your willing, you can try putting on an asian accent... maybe you may save some pennies ;)
But i wouldn't worry too much :)
LOL bloody asians! :) Haaa..
They will never give you a discount unless your an asian yourself and you know they're ripping you off you would keep bargaining it until they give up. This made me laugh & no I don't think it's racist what you wrote just because you mentioned the word "asian" LOL..
yes i have managed to get a discount from these guys time, just talk abt how your mum is from malaysia and just ask for a discount.
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