Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Yes... Well i haven't written a blog in quite some time, i guess due to the busyness of the time of year, Christmas/ New Year. Also the fact that I'm on holidays and so i have become more laid back and really cant be bothered writing a new blog.. but here i am.

I just finished photographing the stop motion for the summer camp promo. A very exhausting experience, the tedious duties of having to write down the things i need to plan, plan the things i need to organise, organise all the things i need to print, and the cut out all the pieces I've printed, and then organise all the pieces I've cut out; And then you have to photograph the pieces you've organised and move them a tiny bit more and photograph again...

And then of you accidentally bump the tripod you have to do it all over again, with sweat dripping from your brow as you try and grasp the last reserved coolness in the house with the soaring heat raging outside.

By the end of it, i was ready to call it a day... so i did.

This is why i respect claymations, and other similar mediums of animation, so much! To think that they do 24 frames per second!! I take back everything i said about stop motion being time consuming, and say it's VERY time consuming... and tiring.

Anyways my next blog will most likely include the final product :)

OK, Bye for now

More Coming Soon

I'll fix this blog up real nice