Through browsing lots of peoples work, observing life and various entities I've been getting some ideas for new photography projects i would like to do. One up coming project i am soon to start will be completely in black and white. I find monotone photography detaches from the world we see, because we see in colour, and focuses on subject, form, shadow and light therefore making it more powerful and have a deeper connection with the viewer.

Also i am working on fixing up my film developing container so it can hold 35mm film... as currently it holds 120 film which i do not have a camera for, let alone the film to develop. So once that's done i can start developing my B&W film, which almost nowhere develops(pretty much only fitzgerald do)..(but their too expensive).
Exiting stuff!
So all i need to work out is a more specific theme, i was thinking more along the lines of 'people' or 'life' which i know are very very vague and vast themes, but hopefully something will come to me.
Cool Beans
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