Saturday, March 21, 2009

Jesus Loves You

In my opinion there are 3 things that make a good photo.
Technique, Subject and The Unknown.

By technique i mean lighting, framing, composition, shutter speed, aperture, DOF, lighting etc. You know the rest of it, all the 'basics' that people often judge a photo by when critiquing it. And all the basics that most 'myspace photo' snapping camera owners often get wrong. But sometimes the subject can surpass most of that 'technical stuff', which brings me to Subject.

Subject is probably nearly everyone's favorite. When you see a photo and your like, "woah... that's cool" or " :) " or "aww..." etc. 
Sometimes the subject might not actually be that interesting, but to you personally that subject means a lot. eg. A picture of your partner or family. But usually the subject is something amazing, something that the human eye could not normally capture.

Then there is the Unknown. Sometimes you see photos that don't really say a lot. Nothing to technically fantastic about it, nothing really amazing in the photo. But for some unknown reason you love it, you show it to others and they're like, "yeh... so what?". I classify this as 'unknown'.

Anyways, now I'll leave you with a nice photo; One of my favorites.

1 comment:

Jason Hope said...

Nice blog Mr Clarky. That indeed is a great pic :)

More Coming Soon

I'll fix this blog up real nice